Source code for isotp.errors

class IsoTpError(Exception):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Exception.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

[docs]class FlowControlTimeoutError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when the senders fails to sends a Flow Control message in time. Refer to TransportLayer parameter :ref:`rx_flowcontrol_timeout<param_rx_flowcontrol_timeout>` """ pass
[docs]class ConsecutiveFrameTimeoutError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when the senders fails to sends a Consecutive Frame message in time. Refer to TransportLayer parameter :ref:`rx_consecutive_frame_timeout<param_rx_consecutive_frame_timeout>` """ pass
[docs]class InvalidCanDataError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when a CAN message that cannot be decoded as valid First Frame, Consecutive Frame, Single Frame or Flow Control PDU is received. """ pass
[docs]class UnexpectedFlowControlError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when a Flow Control message is received and was not expected """ pass
[docs]class UnexpectedConsecutiveFrameError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when a Consecutive Frame message is received and was not expected """ pass
[docs]class ReceptionInterruptedWithSingleFrameError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when the reception of a multi packet message reception is interrupted with a new Single Frame PDU. """ pass
[docs]class ReceptionInterruptedWithFirstFrameError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when the reception of a multi packet message reception is interrupted with a new First Frame PDU. """ pass
[docs]class WrongSequenceNumberError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when a consecutive frame is received with a wrong sequence number. """ pass
[docs]class UnsuportedWaitFrameError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when a Flow Control PDU with FlowStatus=Wait is received and :ref:`wftmax<param_wftmax>` is set to 0 """ pass
[docs]class MaximumWaitFrameReachedError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when too much Flow Control PDU with FlowStatus=Wait is received. Refer to :ref:`wftmax<param_wftmax>` """ pass
[docs]class FrameTooLongError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when a FirstFrame with a length (FF_DL) longer than :ref:`max_frame_size<param_max_frame_size>` is received. """ pass
[docs]class ChangingInvalidRXDLError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when a ConsecutiveFrame is received with a length smaller than ``RX_DL`` (size of first frame) without being the last message of the IsoTP frame. """ pass
[docs]class MissingEscapeSequenceError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when a SingleFrame with length (CAN_DL) greater than 8 bytes is received and the length of the payload (SF_DL) is encoded in the first byte, which is forbidden by ISO-15765-2 """ pass
[docs]class InvalidCanFdFirstFrameRXDL(IsoTpError): """ Happens when a FirstFrame is received with missing data; In other words when CAN_DL is smaller than the deduced RX_DL. The sender did not optimized the capacity usage of the CAN message. """ pass
[docs]class OverflowError(IsoTpError): """ Happens when the TransportLayer receive a FlowControl PDU with a FlowStatus=Overflow (2). In this event, the transmission is stopped. """ pass